

Welcome to Thursday, where we start to think about the weekend.  I only wish there was more positive to it.  Right now, it’s fires, storms, viruses.  Jeez.  At least the smoke from the fires is slowing down and the virus is dissipating in our county.

Laura.  I turned my head and missed this one – two minor tropical storms turned into one Major freaking hurricane.  I really hope that those in the affected areas took heed to this one and got the hell out.  Now, as I wake up and watch to see the devastation, I can only hope that the devastation isn’t as bad as advertised. 

Reform.  I believe in Police and I support the Police, but 2020 is absolutely a bridge too far.  There MUST be change. 

I believe that I can support the police AND support changes in policing, but it has to be right – in other words, let’s see more accountability.  More supervisors on the beat watching and coaching, better and more effective training, and most importantly to take the load off the beat cops – don’t worry about traffic tickets and weed. 

Pro Athletes Reaction.  Yesterday, sports leagues boycotted their games, and two teams (Lakers and Clippers) allegedly want to continue the boycott for the entire playoffs.  Now my normal belief is that boycotts do absolutely nothing.  However, in this case, I think this could work and could force changes in policing or at least get the ball rolling, and I’m all for that. 

This morning I see a report from Adam Schefter who said that “Head Coaches and executives from the Cavaliers, Browns, and Indians are forming a sports alliance to develop a sustainable and direct strategy to address social injustice facing the city of Cleveland and all of Northeast Ohio.”  If this is true, absolute props for this.  I would like to hear more about this – how will it work, what’s the mission and vision, and what is the goal? 

Personally, I hope that the players go to DC.  I hope they sit down with the President AND with Congress and that it is covered LIVE with no interruptions by the media.  President Trump and his supporters speak of him being a listener - so I hope he invites the NBA to the White House and they are given a forum to speak directly to him and that he listens.  I hope tonight that Trump issues an open invitation to LeBron and a group of pro athletes to come in and talk.  Could you imagine the power that this simple meeting could have?

I hope the players get out there and get people to vote.  Lastly, I hope they do a ride-along with the cops.  There is so much hatred out there - could you imagine how powerful an pro athlete riding around with a cop could be?

To be fair, I’m seeing a lot of people yap about players putting money into their cities.  It seems to me that players already do a lot in their communities both in word and deed.  They are there actually doing the work.

So many folks and entities are out there trying to help.  With all that energy, enthusiasm, and money and it’s not enough – that’s on the politicians – our so-called “leaders.”

Kenny Smith.  I saw what Kenny did last night on Inside the NBA, and quite honestly, I'm torn.  I support it because mere words aren't working.  I'm just a bit unsure because I think his voice could have been something that needed to be heard last night.  

Riots.  OK, I’ve seen enough – I absolutely applaud the legitimate protesters doing the right thing.  However, if it is true that agitators are coming in from different states with the expressed intent to cause trouble, then it’s time for this to be kicked up to the feds and for these agitators to be charged with crossing state lines with intent to riot – or whatever legal term there is.  If they are carrying weapons then there should be MANDATORY prison time.

If it's true that people are inviting others to come to these "events" via social media, then in my mind, that's almost equivalent to inciting a riot and those who encourage it should be held accountable, civilly as well as criminally.

That 17 year old who came to Kenosha from Illinois?  Yeah, he should have been busted and he should be charged for so many things including Murder and Domestic Terrorism.   Start putting asses in GITMO.  And no righties, vigilantes aren't the way to go.  Yes, protect your property as you see fit - but beyond that, a 17 year old - a minor - from another state rolling around the streets of an unfamiliar town with weapons is flat out wrong.

Final Thought.  The Police are critical, and I truly believe that most cops aren’t the evil empire that many make them out to be.  At the same time I think change is necessary and I’ve laid out a few ideas to try to make things better. 

I’m encouraged because I am actually starting to hear shells of ideas that can help if given a chance, and politicians and lawyers don’t screw it up.
