Two weeks ago, I posted a blog about Twitter how I was able to control content and enjoying it. Just two fucking weeks later, the non-stop flood of hatred on both sides is overwhelming - it's uncontrolled and Twitter could care less. People can't help themselves, they really can't. Seems to me I read something somewhere kinda paraphrasing here but "let he who casts the first stone be without sin." I think we've forgotten that old saying.
Twitter is that platform that has become little more than annoying telemarketers. I muted terms, I muted accounts, I've even blocked accounts, but this is insane - it's like locusts, they just keep coming - like that annoying telemarketer/spammer who calls your house every day. No matter how many people I stop, others just keep coming be it through retweet or by recommendation. Obviously I didn't do a good enough job putting a stop to it on my screen, but the fact is that it just keeps on coming and I don't think Twitter has the tools necessary to stop it, if they even truly care. Then you mix in the non-stop advertising and it's just enough.
We get it, we know how you feel, you've made it abundantly clear ad nauseum, but you just can't stop. Memo to you all - I get it and I respect your position, but you've gone so far overboard with your incessant talking about that I don't fucking care anymore. Seriously, what happened to your other things that you are about? In the end, many on Twitter have become exactly what they hated, or at least claimed to hate.
Now here's my thoughts - I can't help but feel that if Twitter was offended by the majority takes on their platform, they'd damn sure already have a something built to control it. It isn't, they haven't, and they don't have a plan going forward. It will be their undoing.
I know that it doesn't matter what one peon does or says in the grand scheme, and I'd be a fool if I thought it did, I'm just doing what's best for me which is to leave the site. I've run around angry for the better part of my 56 years on this spinning chunk of rock, I don't need to do it anymore. Best of luck to Twitter and that cauldron of hate, anger, and mistrust and trying to convince others of their beliefs while tearing down theirs.
PS - Kansas City's defense finally got exposed.