A few minor rants

Well, it's Saturday, I ain't got no job, and I ain't got shit to do, other than talk some trash.  Let's get to it:

Gas Prices.  So, has anybody noticed that Gas prices have gone up 30 cents a gallon, and it's only February?  Can't wait for that $4.50 a gallon gas on Memorial Day Weekend.  Oh yeah, and can't wait for all the other prices to get raised to off-set the cost of transportation.

And by the way, somebody needs to explain to me how gas can be so much cheaper in different places.  When that picture was taken in Kansas City, the gas price in CA was well over $4.00.  

Houston Texans.  Stephen A. Smith brought up a point about the release of J. J. Watt that I hadn't thought of.  Houston had no problem with releasing Watt upon his request, but won't accommodate Watson?  Now Smith didn't say it, but he went right up to the line - saying it without saying it.  If I was Houston, the time to trade Watson is NOW before the pressure become so great that they can't get anything for him.  Right now, Watson could get you at least one or two first round picks and maybe a vet to help.  Do it, do it now!  Don't wait.

As for Smith, I'll say it - you, once again, are trying to manipulate a system to get a player where YOU want him to go AND you are taking an accusation right up to the line without saying it.  Do I have problems with how Houston has done shit?  Hell yes, I would rank them with the New York Jets and Jacksonville in terms of horribly bad and starting to approach New York Knick level of incompetence, but you (Smith) putting pressure on Houston to trade the young man only lowers the bar in terms of what they can get back. 

Then, you'll be the first one screaming when Houston trades him and doesn't get back what Detroit did for Stafford, and then you'll take it right to the line again, and then you'll be taking it right to the line again.  Pathetic.

Baseball.  Well folks, we are only a few weeks away from Spring Training and man, I think we need the diversion. The defending champions are the best team money can buy, and we can already scratch 25% of the league from having a chance, but even with that, I don't care.  We need Baseball - we need something that is normal and traditional.  My hope is that by the end of the season, people will be sitting in the stands, buying some peanuts and cracker jacks.   

Rant of the Day - Music.  So here I was taking Mrs. B.O.B. out for a nice dinner (albeit outside in 45 degree weather), where we were enjoying a nice surf and turf dinner, and the bar is blasting TECHNO?  At 6PM?  Holy shit, for real?  These wine sippers here ain't trying to hear that shit - save it for a euro bar.  But my point is this - has anybody heard any good music lately?  I sure haven't.   

Final Thought.  Ranting aside, I sit here on a Saturday afternoon just chilling, thankful for the blessings I have been given.  I wish I could have done more with them, but I try now.  The world is not as shitty as I may profess on these rambling thoughts - far from it.  I see daily so many people out there doing good - independent of the non-sense from our leaders.  I only hope that going forward people can and will help - be it in any way that they can.  Money, time, an ear, something.

We need to take care of ourselves, and each other. 
