
I dream of a place where the air is warm, the water is nice with an outdoor bar backed up to said water where the drinks are cold, the food is spicy and latin, there's music, and I can sit there all day and not give one shit about whose in charge or what is going on.  

I dream of two damn good football games Sunday.  I've got no dog in the fight, but I sure would like to see Kansas City/Green Bay.  That's no disrespect to Buffalo and Tampa, but they are the future, KC/GB is the current and I wouldn't mind a rematch of the first Super Bowl.

I dream that one of the symbols of our country can remind us of what we can be.  Great and wonderful.

I dream that people can stop being torn apart by the bullshit fed to us by those who wish to divide us.  

Finally, a dream in the form of a poem, called "A Soldier's Poem" by Wilfred Owen

I dreamed kind Jesus fouled the big-gun gears;
And caused a permanent stoppage in all bolts;
And buckled with a smile Mausers and Colts;
And rusted every bayonet with His tears.

And there were no more bombs, of ours or Theirs,
Not even an old flint-lock, not even a pikel.
But God was vexed, and gave all power to Michael;
And when I woke he'd seen to our repairs.
In the end, warm weather, cool drinks, good food, nice music, peace and quiet.  A helluva dream...may we all achieve it.  

