Preparing for a Biden Win

Disclaimer:  These opinions are mine and mine alone.  They are not in any way, shape or form, the opinions of any organization to which I am affiliated, so don't even try it.  

OK, this is the first time I put a blog out to my friends, so bear with me because Uncle B.O.B. has some questions, and he gets cranky if he doesn't get answers, so here goes:

So, here we sit as we end Halloween weekend – a weird reference itself.  A mere two days before the politicking ends and the lawyers get involved, and I have a few weird questions to ask given that I don’t know the social media rules, and want to do my best to be "correct":

  • If Biden wins and I didn’t vote for him, am I allowed to say that “He’s not my President?”
  • If Biden wins and I don’t like it, can I say “resist?”  Asking for a friend.
  • If Biden wins, can I call for the abolition of the Electoral College?  I mean they get 55 votes from California alone and what nearly 30 more from New York?  The Demoncrats already have a distinct advantage.
  • If the day after Halloween is known as “Dia de Muertos”, should we not visit cemeteries, and decorate the graves of the country if the Demoncrats win on November 3rd?  
  • If a state votes for Trump, are all the people in that state deplorables?
  • If a state votes for Biden, are all the people in that state snowflakes?
  • If I don't vote for Biden, am I one of those stereotypes?
  • If Biden pushes for something I don’t agree with, can I attach a stereotype to him?
  • Can I make fun of Bidens gaffes like most did with Bush 43?
  • May I ask my Democrap friends how they can support an obviously imbecilic President? 
  • Can I talk shit on Harris if I don’t trust her?  Or must I obtain written consent from whoever rights the social rules?
  • Must I really have an open mind if Biden wins, or can I be like the screamers from since November, 2016?
  • Is it acceptable to call for impeachment of Biden for his role in the Ukraine scandal?  I mean, Trump was impeached for his role…but hey, high crimes and misdemeanors, right???
  • Will the Democraps still elect Pelosi as Speaker and Schumer as the Majority Leader?  If so, can I question that choice?  I mean, don’t we all want change?  Isn't that the mantra?  You want change and were given a mandate, and you keep Pelosi and Schumer in place?  California and New York running the legislative branch?  
  • What happens if I violate social media standards?  Do I go to social media jail like my friend Beeze? 
  • If Biden wins and he mad a promise not to tax anybody who makes less than $400,000, does that mean that I don't have to pay the costs passed down to me by those in the higher tax brackets?  
  • If Trump wins, do I pray for the souls of those who will go insane?
  • If Trump wins, do I wish those well who plan on moving?  By the way, how are those celebri-tards who moved after Trumps win in 2016 doing?  And yeah, why did those folks move to Canada or Australia and not Mexico or Venezuela?
Finally, if Biden wins, whose running the country?  Biden?  Harris? Bernie?  Pelosi?  Schumer?  The squad?  The media?  Who is the President?  If the shit hits the fan, whose running the country?  

Seriously folks, I want to know... 
