Disclaimer: There’s
cursing involved, so if you don’t like the occasional four letter word, well,
either don’t read my drivel or piss off…it's my blog and I'm ready to rant.
I see my buddies at the old YouGab site have gone on to so
many different ways of expressing themselves now, and I enjoy everything I read
and hear, and when I disagree, it makes me think and for that I am grateful. Note, I don't get my feelings hurt and go crying to the admin or the media.
Anyway, Uncle B.O.B. decided to come out of being a hermit and get back at it kinda sorta. Well, long enough to rant anyway...
For those of you who don't know Uncle B.O.B., he's a
husband, dad, Grampa, bowler, BBQ fanatic, veterans advocate, hermit, Facebook freak, and
sometimes Bitter ole Bastard when he forgets to take his meds or listens to the talking heads. He's also good friends with Saul, but that's another story and trust me, you want none of that dude because when he comes to visit weird shit happens - especially if he gets access to a computer. Really the only things that drag Uncle out of the
house anymore are the grandkids, college football, local veterans events, bowling, and of course travel.
For those of you who know the drill, yeah, I've been away. I needed to get myself "right" and no that ain't a political term. Let's see what's rolling around in Uncle's head today:
Politics #1. Memo to politicians - Stop calling every FUCKING day!!! Oh, and sending letters requesting money for your party from $35 - $1000? In the middle of a pandemic when businesses are failing and people are losing their job? Are you fucking kidding me?
Politics #1. Memo to politicians - Stop calling every FUCKING day!!! Oh, and sending letters requesting money for your party from $35 - $1000? In the middle of a pandemic when businesses are failing and people are losing their job? Are you fucking kidding me?
To the candidates running in Northern California for the California 4th District to Congress - you both can screw off. You're nothing more than annoying and borderline harrassing with all these calls. If I have to go another 100 days with the constant barrage of phone calls, I might just delete my line. Hell, I need to cut costs anyways - so that's on you AT&T - at this point having a land line is nothing more than an inconvenience because of spammers, frauds, and politicians (well they're all the same aren't they?). At least on the net I can block most of that dumb shit out.
Politics #2. As far as voting this November, I'm not voting for ANY incumbent, but the more relevant question is - why are you voting for incumbents? Reelecting people who have been in power for 30-50 years and what is to be shown of it? Do you seriously want to send McConnell, Pelosi, McCarthy, and Schumer back? Why? What have they accomplished? You would think that by now, their policies would have done SOMETHING? Right? Washington, DC needs a thorough douching, and if Jemele Hill can say you're racist if you vote for Trump, can I say you're an idiot if you vote for the status quo? Or will that get me into trouble? I'm genuinely asking because I simply don't know the rules for our new PC culture - I suppose I never did.
Politics #2. As far as voting this November, I'm not voting for ANY incumbent, but the more relevant question is - why are you voting for incumbents? Reelecting people who have been in power for 30-50 years and what is to be shown of it? Do you seriously want to send McConnell, Pelosi, McCarthy, and Schumer back? Why? What have they accomplished? You would think that by now, their policies would have done SOMETHING? Right? Washington, DC needs a thorough douching, and if Jemele Hill can say you're racist if you vote for Trump, can I say you're an idiot if you vote for the status quo? Or will that get me into trouble? I'm genuinely asking because I simply don't know the rules for our new PC culture - I suppose I never did.
It's almost as if I have no hope and I worry about the future for my kids and grandkids. Translated, I'm sick and tired of the shit on BOTH sides and their talking heads, the only thing they have in common is dividing the people - plain and simple. I despise anything that comes out of Washington, DC, the Rotten Apple, the senseless slaughter in Chicago and elsewhere, and whatever you call what is going on in Portland and Seattle. Dammit, I FUCKING WANT CHANGE, but you can't have change when those in power refuse to do things for the collective good.
Travel. It’s July, what do we expect? Summer yes, not Hell - FREAKING turn the heat down. Fortunately, I had the ability to escape for three days. We drove the four hours to the coast where it's 40 degrees cooler, and yet I still managed a freaking sunburn, particularly on my scalp. Tired of being bald - but I guess age has other plans for me. How come I got a sunburn and them fat dudes on the rocks didn't?
College Football. An old boss of mine from nearly a decade ago once told me that if I had a problem, I'd better have a solution. He didn't expect it, he DEMANDED it! OK, so here goes.
Hey Colleges, you are the home of those who say we suck and need to change. View must be great from the cheap seats - complain about how bad shit is, then do next to nothing to fix the problems.
Hey Colleges, you are the home of those who say we suck and need to change. View must be great from the cheap seats - complain about how bad shit is, then do next to nothing to fix the problems.
OK, so put your prestige and your money and your actions where your mouth is. You have a game between Alabama and Auburn, Clemson/South Carolina, Georgia/Georgia Tech? Take the proceeds of the game and donate to the HBCU's - I'm sure they'd appreciate anything that could help. You have a game between Arizona and Arizona State or New Mexico/New Mexico State, take the proceeds and donate to hispanic causes. You have a game between Wyoming and Colorado State or North Dakota State and South Dakota State? Take the proceeds and donate to Native American causes. Florida/Florida State/Miami? Yeah, maybe you could play and the proceeds could go to a disaster relief fund for hurricane victims in the future. You see where I'm going with this?
OK, you paragons of virtue, get out there and lead. Don't talk, LEAD!!! Wait, what? You don't want to donate? OK, Professors and instructors - donate time/money in the high schools and help teachers in the trenches getting kids properly educated. You guys are the leaders of the screaming about things sucking. Or is that old saying true "Those who can do, those who can't teach?"
OK, you paragons of virtue, get out there and lead. Don't talk, LEAD!!! Wait, what? You don't want to donate? OK, Professors and instructors - donate time/money in the high schools and help teachers in the trenches getting kids properly educated. You guys are the leaders of the screaming about things sucking. Or is that old saying true "Those who can do, those who can't teach?"
Notice, I'm not saying break yourselves, but damn I know you got cash and the ability to help in so many other ways - help!!!
And don't get me started on the churches.
You want change, be the change. Set the example otherwise shut the hell up. Stop talking, start showing - lead!!! Teach future leaders on how to be better than the current ones and trust me, the current ones could use some lessons too.
Actual College Football. Here I sit on the precipice of a new season, and everything is being held up. Conferences are either moving to Spring or abandoning 2020 altogether. Some of the big conferences might have games in empty stadiums, but just within the conference. From a selfish standpoint, I had my trips all planned out. Eff you COVID!!!
So the Washington football franchise is changing their nickname and at this point will be named "the Washington Football Team"with the logo on the helmet to be replaced with the jersey number of the player. Again, just out of curiosity, let's remove the talking heads, the SJW's, and others. I only want to know if Native Americans find this offensive because it sure seems to me sitting on the outside that I've yet to hear from them.
The Arena. Last night I watched a TNT show called "the Arena" which was Cari Champion, Draymond Green, Dwayne Wade, and the Chucksta talking. I found the show refreshing - calm discussion about the issues of the day by non-politicians who made a lot of sense. I hope that show continues - it is something that definitely makes me think.
MLB. Hey, I'll take any sport I can get right now.
So there is some folks saying that games will be played without fans, but with crowd noise pumped in. Now, maybe I'm just an old sentimental fool (I am), but seems to me that playing without pumping in crowd noise might actually be kinda cool. You know, the way it was when we all played baseball as kids in the park. You see kids born after 1979, baseball in the park was...uh, never mind, you wouldn't understand.
NHL. The Seattle Kracken? WTF??? OK, never mind. What I'm tripping on is a comment made by the teams GM: "The fans are going to be involved in every decision..." OK, let me explain to you how that works Seattle because we had an experience here with the Kings after your failed attempt to jack them out of Sacramento (yeah, I'm still bitter about that). Certain fans had WAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY too much access and influence and it got out of control quick and in my opinion had a hand in the continuance of the poor product. Just be careful because their agenda isn't necessarily beneficial to the team and how it makes them look.
On the way out. I'm leaving the fat guys with you because well, I'm fat and it's cool to watch the big guys. I’d better check out because its time to visit my son on his birthday. 29 years old today. Jesus, I'm feeling so old right about now. So to all of you who survived reading this
drivel, thanks for reading. In the words
of former Oakland Raider and Apollo Creed Carl Weathers: “Be Peace.”
I'll talk about that next time...